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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Your Priceless Soul

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


This world’s top commodities range from, crude oil, coffee, natural gas, gold, silver, water, wheat, corn, etc., and wars have been fought over these riches, time and again, and yet, according to God, the most precious thing on earth is none of these - It is the human soul - It is the pearl of great price that required EVERYTHING the Merchant had in order to purchase it. Matthew 13:45,46


“For God SO loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Notice that God paid it ALL to win our souls, and our response can only be one of eternal gratitude - “Lord, You saved my soul from death. You stopped my tears. You kept me from falling. I will continue to serve the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 116:8, 9


But “What does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world yet lose his own soul?” Riches and power are blinding to one’s need of God. There’s a very dangerous position taken by so many in these last days. They know God is real, and they know they are sinners in need of a Savior, yet they knowingly trade in their eternal well-being for a temporal gain. This is spiritual suicide, and it’s the choice made by Judas - money over eternal safety with God. Esau chose a bowl of beans over his birthright. He caved to his present physical demands and lost everything else by doing so. Demas forsook the ministry because he had fallen in love with this present world. Oh the danger of being short-sighted!


Friends, we’re watching a global “Judas” scenario unfold before us. World leaders, politicians, and heads of powerful departments have sold out their country and people for money and power. They have lost all sight that they’ve sold their souls. The global coup is underway and God sees it all and continues to call them to repentance. But the deception has taken root. The love of money and power has poisoned their senses, and they continue down this suicidal path.


The repeated statement that their actions are, “for our safety” is a Judas kiss on the cheek, as they rob the citizens of their freedoms and future. Their souls have but a short time before they will give account for their betrayal.


Friends, this world may be on fire, but our souls are safe in the very Hands of the One who loves us and died for us. This is love! Let this world be fought over by the highest bidder. Our souls are not up for auction, we belong to Him. What a precious place to be!

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