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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Your Father Sees

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


A flock of beautiful Cedar Waxwings have been eating the blossoms on our trees all around the house. These majestic little birds look like the tip of their tail was dipped in bright yellow paint, and they have droplets of a bright crimson wax-like substance on their wings, that marks maturity. They visit every Spring and Fall, and we love to watch their activity and beauty from the window – but the crows watch too.  


The other day I held in my hand a lifeless little Waxwing and couldn’t help but think of Jesus’ words as He sent His disciples out on their first missionary journey as “sheep among wolves.” He said… “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing (1/16th of a day’s wage). And not one shall fall to the ground without your Heavenly Father (knowing and caring). But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).


To the world, our lives are small, insignificant, and worthless. Our golden ministry and crimson message of the Cross of Christ, which is the offer of Eternal Life, is considered foolish. But there is an audience we forget is watching. Behind the window of the heavens, is an innumerable multitude of angels, and heroes of the faith who have gone before us - and best of all, the eyes of our Savior and our Heavenly Father. Jesus reminded His disciples to shield their eyes and hearts against the opinions of men, for the exalted opinion of God alone. The hairs of your head are all numbered and your labor is never in vain in the Lord. Let that sink in.


“In the sight of God” is all that matters. Live for His glory.

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