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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Will You Still Follow?

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


When your path has grown dark and the thorns have blocked your way, will you still follow the Lord?


When the storm clouds have enclosed about you, and the coldness of our day grips your soul, will you still follow our Lord?


When others that guided us have fallen away, we cry in the night that they lost their way, but will WE still follow the Lord?


Into this darkness we slip our foot into His steps… “Though none go with me,” we pray… “Yet I will follow.”


Oh, dear Lord, please guide us in Your paths of Righteousness, as all other paths just lead astray… I need to follow…


Walk on… dear one, walk on in the Light of His goodness and grace. Press into Him more, even as the world turns away.


All earthly wisdom we lay at His feet,

Lay ahold of His hand and simply proceed.

Sup from His cup of refreshing,

Feast on His words of true Life,

And follow… just follow…

Keep following… soon it will no longer be night.


Not long now, and we will arrive on Heaven’s shores

Grief and sorrow, weary saints, will be no more!

Loss and pain has been exchanged

For joy and peace that forever will reign.



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