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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

We Have Seen His Star


“There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall arise out of Israel…” – Numbers 24:17


The Wise Men saw the prophetic star and putting it together with a Scriptural timeline given in Daniel, knew Messiah had been born. They set out on a 1500-mile trip, from Persia to Jerusalem, taking about three months.


But when they knocked on Herod’s door, saying, “Where is He that has been born King of the Jews, for we have seen His star in the east and are come to worship Him,” Herod was troubled – agitated – and all Jerusalem with him (Matthew 2:3).


Herod called the Chief Priests, teachers of God’s Word, and scribes, who copy God’s Word, to ask where Messiah should be born. They knew the Scripture immediately, and quoted Micah 5:2. But they had no desire to go check it out – flaunting their disinterest and doubt as an intellectual snub to the Wise Men.


Yet none of these things dissuaded the Wise Men. They had no private huddle questioning whether they saw the right star, or really knew the right Scriptures… they pressed on in confident purpose… “And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy!” (Matthew 2:9,10).


The same is true today. There will always be those who are troubled at the talk of the return of Christ – agitation, disinterest, doubt, and mockery – is often the response to those excited about Christ’s return. But don’t let anyone steal your joy. The Prophetic Scriptures are “light” and those who have seen “His Star” know the time for the Scepter to arise is imminent.


Rejoice with Exceeding Great Joy.

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