In Revelation 12, we have a picture of what was transpiring in Heaven during the 7-year tribulation on earth. Many Believers had been put to death for sharing the Gospel. They had been waged war against by the antichrist and all his willing minions. They were beaten, imprisoned and killed, but through this great adversity and spiritual persecution, they overcame!
They triumphed in their life’s mission. It didn’t matter if they were degree carrying pastors, blue collar workers, or women of God, they all had One goal and that was to take the message of Salvation to their friends and family. They did it! Their message was heard loud and clear, and now they stand in Glory, HOME, before their Savior. “They overcame the Devil by the blood of the Lamb and the sharing of their testimonies; and they loved not their lives unto death” (Revelation 12:11).
This verse has three parts that we must all still apply each day. First, it is only through the blood of Jesus that we have victory. Our own efforts are so horribly limited, but through the Spirit, we are made more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
Secondly, your testimony is to be shared. People are far more likely to believe how God has worked in your life than in Moses’ life. We must never focus on the grotesqueness of our testimony, but on the majestic-ness of His saving grace.
Thirdly, a heckler taunted his missionary brother with this statement… “Go ahead and die in the mission field, I’m going to die in my favorite chair.” When we as Believers love Christ and His loving forgiveness more than this temporal life, we have found a reason worth both living and dying for. These saints had done that.
May we realize anew that each day we take Christ wherever we go; and we share His power to save, whether it is received or not, and we leave the results up to Him. May we be encouraged to know that God sees all and calls us Overcomers!
(Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos)