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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Then They Will Know

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

The Indian tribes of New Guinea pride themselves on their betrayal and vengeance skills. They take it to levels that shock our western cultures. When a young man was speared to death, his home tribe decided to seek the perfect revenge - a “peace treaty” with the offending tribe. A big ceremony took place, gifts of great value were given, and words of “commitment to peace” were shared. Years passed, and the tribes seemed to be truly brothers, even allowing some of their young women to marry into the murdered boy’s family members, and inviting them to “live among us.”

Fifteen years after the murder, a revenge slaughter took place during a yearly harvest feast. Every single member of the murderer’s family, from the young to the old, were killed. Their vengeance had not grown cold, but had grown bold.

We see this same spirit of patient vengeance in Satan, and his hatred for Israel. “They have said, Come, let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel will be no more in remembrance” (Psalm 83:4). The same Serpent that deceived Eve, that tried to annihilate the Jews through Hamon, to kill Jesus as a baby, that sought to coerce Jesus to bow to Satan, that rejoiced in evil glee at His death on the cross, that brought war against the newfound state, repeatedly, even trying to destroy all the Jews through Hitler, in order that there would be no Jews to return home, STILL has eyes for Israel’s destruction. This leads us to the war of Armageddon.

“While people are saying - “Peace and safety,” destruction will come upon them (Israel) suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Be watching for a deceptive “peace treaty.” But God… He keeps His promises!

As the nations of the earth, led by Gog, come in war against Israel, God says “His hot fury will boil over! In My zeal and fiery wrath I will send a great earthquake… all the fish, birds, beasts of the field, and people will tremble at My presence… I will bring the sword against Gog, and the men will turn their swords on each other. I will punish you and your armies with plague and bloodshed. I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur, on Gog, and his troops, and the many nations with him. And so I will show My greatness, and holiness, and I will make Myself known to ALL the nations of the world. Then they will know that I AM the Lord.” (Ezekiel 38)

Evil’s patient vengeance is no match for the promises of God. He will have the final say and His name will be glorified throughout the earth. Come Lord Jesus!

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