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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Unseen World

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12). Our visible world is filled with dysfunction, brutality and violence, BUT, it pales in comparison to the real war we’re fighting-the war of evil spirits, constantly trying to unravel the work of God and His kingdom.

As Jesus hung on the cross, He, being fully God, clearly saw the “flesh and bone” physical perpetrators of evil, BUT even more so, He saw the demonic realm, that looked upon His dying, bloodied body with glee and delight, as they danced around the foot of the cross, believing that they were victorious in killing the Son of God… ”Many bulls surround Me; strong bulls of Bashan (the biggest and fiercest) encircle Me. Roaring lions that tear their prey open - their mouths wide open against Me… dogs surround Me, evildoers encircle Me: save Me from the horns of the wild oxen… they have pierced My hands and My feet” (Psalm 22). What He saw was the unseen.

As we enter into these end days, we are watching the unseen world become more visible. Sin that was once hidden behind closed doors is now proudly flaunting itself in the streets. This is just the beginning. In Revelation 12:9, during the tribulation period, we read that Satan and the demonic realm, are hurled down to earth. The evil that is poured out upon earth, and its inhabitants, is like nothing seen before. But their brazenness will be short lived, just as it was at the resurrection.

Three days after Jesus was crucified, this same demonic realm suffered a fatal blow when the ground began to shake, and the stone was rolled away, and Jesus rose triumphant over evil, death, and the grave. You can almost hear their gasps of unbelief and horror! Christ had risen! Death was no longer the final say! Their supposed power was given a death blow.

Friends, rejoice! Jesus is victorious over sin, hell, the grave, and every demonic power that presently rules this world with such ruthlessness. The unseen world is clearly seen to God, and He will bring all evil dominions under His feet. May we keep our faith rooted deep in the One who sees all - knows all - and is triumphant over all!

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