How comforting it is to love and be loved by a God who never changes. Everything else is in a constant state of shifting standards, moving goal posts and decaying metamorphosis, (including churches).
The apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew church about this blessed truth. The turmoil the new believers were experiencing (including persecution and imprisonment) was outweighed by the precious knowledge that God is forever the same, consistent in His love and compassion, a God of justice and mercy, and a Defender of the defenseless.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings (or modern trends). It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods” (Hebrews 13:8,9). All insecurities can melt away in the blanket of this kind of love as “Perfect love casts out fear.”
Friends, the world as we knew it has changed. Justice isn’t always served; honor is often withheld where it would’ve been given, wrong is called right and right is called wrong, and standards that were once thought to be guaranteed are gone.
How much more is it essential for God’s children, His ambassadors, to rise up and be the Standard bearers of what is right. May we reflect His dependability to a world that desperately needs boundaries that are protected. To do so is to reflect His unchanging character. It’s not “outdated or old fashioned,” but grounding and securing. It’s what our world needs.