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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The True God Manifest

Hanukkah is here and with it the memory of another of God’s triumphs over evil. A Greek tyrant, Antiochus IV, imagining himself a ‘god’ and calling himself “Epiphanes” (God manifest), forced the worship of Zeus. He stopped worship of the true God, defiled the Temple by offering a pig on the altar, and made it a place of harlots and drunkenness. On pains of death, his soldiers went through every home, burning Scripture scrolls, forcing people to eat defiled foods, stopping all religious practices, and setting up incense altars to Zeus outside each door. The people fled to the mountains and caves to hide from his tyranny.

But one high priest named Mattathias, and his sons, fought back. They were priests, not soldiers. Yet, God used them mightily. They formed a small band of 300 men – having no weapons and no horses to begin with - yet God miraculously used them to defeat the Greek army. Exactly three years to the day of the Temple desecration, they rebuilt the altar of burnt offering, cleansed, and rededicated the Temple (the meaning of Hanukkah: re-dedication). As they lit the Menorah, they found only enough oil for one day, but the lamp burnt miraculously for 8 days until a new shipment of oil arrived.

While the burning Menorah is considered a great miracle, the true miracle is how God uses those who seek His will and stand for His honor in days when the odds are stacked against them. Antiochus, vowing vengeance on the victorious band, was suddenly hit with a severe bowel disease. Realizing God had struck him, he tried to apologize and promise to do good. But he never recovered. On his deathbed, his last words, which he ordered recorded, were… “Mortal man should never imagine himself to be God.”

Years later Jesus attended Hanukkah (John 10:22) and declared Himself the true “God Manifest” with miracles and love to prove it. He told His doubters, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you shall know that I AM.” The power of His death and resurrection forever indisputably settled it.

The Bible foretold of Antiochus’ persecution (Daniel 8) to warn of another narcissist who will arise claiming to be ‘God.’ His evil reign will be global yet, “Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits” as those now known as the Maccabees (God’s Hammer) did. But the Bible already tells of his end… “Whom the Lord Jesus shall destroy with the brightness (Epiphany) of His coming.” Hallelujah!

Happy Hanukkah!

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