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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Search Party

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


A seasoned hiker from Europe was hiking through the American Rockies. A conversation started when he was asked why he would come all the way to the Americas to hike when he had the Swiss alps? He responded that he’s hiked them, and all the other great sites throughout Europe, but he still hasn’t found the place that is perfect - the place that has peace so enveloping that his soul never wants to leave. He was on a search party for something that this world doesn’t have. But Jesus does!


To come to Christ is to know The One who made you body, soul, and spirit. He is the Author of peace and thus the Giver of peace. No place can emulate His peace, and no beauty can substitute for it. “My peace I leave with you - NOT as the world gives, give I unto you...” (John 14:27).


People search for the “will of God” in their lives as though it’s a definite plan to go to a certain school, and serve in a specific country, as a determined profession, BUT, those things can end with an accident, or a disability. Would they then be out of the will of God? No, the will of God is deeper than this. It is a surrender of soul and mind to the ways of God. “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” This means we don’t need to search for his “secret plan,” but simply thank Him for “Leading us in the ways of righteousness” (Psalm 23:2).


King Solomon searched in all the wrong places for peace and fulfillment, having hundreds of wives, multiple palaces, wealth beyond measure, and yet he says, “Vanity (emptiness), vanity, all is vanity!” Matthew 13:34 says that “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; and for joy over it goes and sells ALL that he has and buys that field.”


The treasure being searched for is Christ, Himself, not just His blessings, but His love for you and me. We should be willing (like in the verse above) to give up all we have to be in possession of such a Treasure. There is no love, no joy, no forgiveness, and no peace like His! The search party is over!

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