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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Sacred Void

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


Deep in the core of your soul is a sacred room. A sacred room made only for One, the Maker and Creator of your very being. This space holds the control panels that give us peace, joy and a contented love. Nothing and no one else is allowed to take up residence there. This is God’s dwelling place, and He controls the peace, joy and love that reigns in our hearts.


Many live with a gnawing void because they’ve refused to invite God to dwell within their hearts. How sad that they live their lives without the “Lover of their souls,” to converse with them about their day, to comfort them in their trials and to assure them of a Brighter Day coming. Global Health News reported that depression and anxiety are climbing to levels never seen before. It is glaringly evident that we were never meant to carry the weight of this world without Him, and those that try pay a heavy price.


The prodigal son believed what many young people believe today, that money, popularity, having fun, and taking risks can fill this void, but it only magnified it. The very things he gave his loyalty to, soon used and abandoned him. They were fickle friends. Satan repackages his tactics, but the result is still the same. Today, many have made their religion fighting social injustices, but they have no joy, or peace, and like a fickle master, it robs them of any true joy God had for them.


Friends, there’s only One that can bring peace to the very core of our souls, our Prince of Peace. “My peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Why is His peace different than the world’s? Because He delivers it into that sacred room and fills it to its fullness, while the world’s peace is merely external, satisfying the senses for a brief moment in time. When the hurting ask if anything is able to satisfy this gnawing despondency that consumes their souls, the answer is simple, yet profound, “Christ in us, the Hope of Glory.” We need Him!

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