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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Restorer

When Israel forsook the Lord, every aspect of their society became corrupt. The Lord’s “head-to-toe” assessment was hopeless, apart from His intervention: “The faithful city has become a harlot! It was full of justice, righteousness lodged in it, but now murderers. Your silver is become dross, your wine mixed with water, your leaders are rebellious and companions of thieves: everyone loves bribes…”

But through His intervention… “I will turn My hand upon you, and purely purge away your dross, and take away all your tin: And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counsellors as at the beginning. Afterward, you shall be called, ‘The City of Righteousness, The Faithful City.’” – (Isaiah 1)

Why do we love restoration shows about houses, cars, and health? Because we love to see things made “right.” We meet every Sunday and sing our hearts out to the Lord, because Jesus is the “Restorer of paths to dwell in.” His restoration power, which begins first in our hearts, will not stop until the earth is filled with His glory and beauty.

Only Christ has the power to bring life from death and “make all things new.” No one but Jesus can guarantee evil won’t win; corruption will be excised; those right with Him shall endure, and His Kingdom shall come. An ancient hymn captured it… “The work which His goodness began, the arm of His strength will complete; His promise is “Yea!” and “Amen!” and never was forfeited yet; things future, nor things that are now, not all things below or above, can make Him His purpose forego, or sever my soul from His love.”

May your day be filled with renewal through His Word, and your heart filled with the triumphant songs of His return.

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