This is a season filled with great anticipation! The joy knowing you’ll be seeing family, embracing little ones, and giving gifts that light up a loved one’s face, makes the whole experience even better. Anticipation is such a big part of the overall joy.
Think of the anticipation that gripped the hearts of the Wise Men when they saw the star… “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:2). Their desire to meet this “new King” was far more than just awe and wonder, but a heart’s knowledge that God had come in human flesh. Their gifts reveal this to be true.
Can you imagine the excitement that filled the shepherds as the angels lit up the sky heralding His birth? “The shepherds hurried off to find Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger” (Luke 2:16).
It almost seems too good to be true to think that our greatest anticipation of seeing Christ, face to face, could happen at any moment. The signs of His return are everywhere! And just like those that hurried to see the baby Jesus, we too, can feel the exuberance rising up within our souls that His great appearing is once again so very near.
Friends, may we all celebrate His birth this year with great joy and anticipation, for it could be the last earthly Christmas we celebrate before He comes for His bride. What a thought that our faith and anticipation will one day give way to sight! “We shall see Him, with our own eyes.” “O come let us adore Him…”