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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Invitation

Devotional by Cheryl Hall Laos


There is an invitation to the Banquet of banquets, and we’re all invited. The King has sent out his servants to invite all that would receive His gracious invitation. It’s not merely a time to come feast on food, but to sit at the table with The King, to hear His words, and to hear His plans. With a heart that is loving and generous, He longs to share this feast with us… will we go?


“The King’s servant went out (at His command) to tell everyone that had been invited, “Come, for everything is now ready.” But they all made excuses, one after another. The servant told the King their responses and He told him to go call the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame… and they came! The Servant told the King there was still room for more, and the King said to go call in the people from the outskirts, the roads and country lanes, in order that His house may be full.” (Luke 14:16-23)


This banquet is the Gospel-the Bread of life broken and shared with “whosoever will believe.” But those that refused to come were those that were like Demas, “in love with this present world.” They are easily satisfied with a muddy cup of water when God has offered them an eternal, pristine ocean of His blessings. Their hearts have settled for the dry wells that perpetually disappoint, rather than go drink with the King and partake of His abundant offer.


So who are the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame? They are the humble in spirit; those emptied of themselves, looking for Hope and Salvation in One that is Mighty to Save. They’ve learned that salvation is not found within their own capabilities; “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)


The crippled are those that have been injured by their own lifestyles - they are plentiful, and they KNOW their choices only lead to self destruction; they are seeking a true Healer. Who are the blind that came? The ones that couldn’t see Life and Hope in anything around them; they longed for their spiritual eyes to be opened. Who are the lame that eagerly came? Those that have been ensnared in the traps of life that left them injured by sin. They have been damaged and scarred, and they desperately seek One who can show them the “Path of Life, that they may walk in it.” (Psalm 16:11)


Dear ones, we are these people. Praise God that He has invited us to partake in His bounty! Let us come feast with the King! Oh, how He longs to bless us with His Bread of Life, and satisfy our thirsty souls with His Heavenly Water. “He takes me to His banqueting table and His banner over me is LOVE.”



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