New technologies are changing the way the Gospel is reaching the world. Where the Message of Life and Hope has been denied entry, new technologies have pierced through this iron curtain and brought the Gospel to those desperately looking for God. No longer do we have to solely rely on “feet on the ground” to get the Gospel to the lost.
Thousands of stories are coming forward of whole families and villages coming to Christ through radio, internet and even visions and dreams, just as Jesus foretold for the “last days” (Act 2:17). The Truth is marching on and no evil seems able to stop it, just as Jesus prophesied: “I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
The Bible tells us of a final harvest of souls before Jesus returns for His bride. He had just spoken with the Samaritan woman in Sychar. Oh, the delight that her ready and eager faith must have been to Him! Jesus then says to His disciples, “You know the saying, ‘There’s still four months between planting and harvest,’ but I say wake up and look around, the fields are already ripe unto harvest” (John 4:35). The message? The time is now!
As Believers, we are laborers in this harvest. We can’t be silent, or timid, but unashamed and excited to throw the “life-saver” of Salvation to those that are unsaved. Before we know it, the Trump is going to sound and this precious time to work will be over. May we be reminded that there’s a “Samaritan woman” in all our lives, just waiting for someone to bring to her the Living Water.
Let’s be ready to share. The hearts are ready, the fields are ripe, and the night is coming.
(Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos)