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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Faithful River

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

In Bible times, an act of war was to find the city’s water supply and shut it off, by diverting it, blocking it, or even poisoning it. Once the lifeline to the people was destroyed, the war would be easy to win. This same strategy is used in our spiritual war that rages with each and every day.

The streams are the precious, pure Word of God that brings life to us through all the highs and lows of this journey. But the enemy would rather we cut off that supply and trust in ourselves... “For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of Living Water, and dug out cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that can hold no water” (Jeremiah 2:13). It’s a lie from hell that we can survive on our own “waters”. Society reveals this to be true - a frightened people, starving for purpose in life, and fully unsatisfied.

To have our Water supply diverted, is to be in the presence of God’s Living Word, but our hearts and minds are too distracted to open up and receive it... “They have not listened to My Words” declared the Lord. “Words that I sent again and again” (Jeremiah 29:19). Spiritual laziness is a pandemic that really destroys. People are content to have no fellowship, and to just slip out of the scene. The Living Word gets shoved aside as complacency fills the void.

Then there’s the poisoned waters that pollute the soul - Oh, how our times are filled with the twisting of God’s Word! “All day long they twist My words... as they do the rest of Scripture, to their own destruction” (Psalm 56:5, 2 Peter 3:16). It’s a ploy of the devil to make us want to take Scripture and fit it into what we want it to say. We must take it in context and receive it even if it offends us. This is how we grow. But beware... you can hear the hiss - “Yea, did God say...?”

Dear ones, we need the pure Word of God - That refreshing, faithful stream that trickles over the craggy, torn patches of our souls, bringing life and nutrients where damage has hit hard. The future is going to be hard - violent and frightening. We MUST always make sure that we make time to let the Words of Life in. Even in the most perilous times, His presence can bring peace, joy, and healing, where there is none.

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