A missionary to Africa wrote how people in his area fear when they hear a lion roar. It’s a warning not to be ignored. Lions are fiercely territorial and roar to warn off intruders, communicate strength, and alert members of their pride to gather.
God told Amos, a prophet, to warn the nations of coming judgment and call them to repent. Amos said, “The Lord will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shepherds (of other countries) shall mourn… The lion has roared, who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 1:2, 3:7).
Our generation, like Amos’ day, scorns the warning of accountability, but fails to grasp that God is good to give both warnings and time to receive His offer of grace. Amos said, “Surely, the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.” History proves Amos spoke the truth.
Throughout the book of Amos, the Lord repeats His invitation of grace… “I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins,” yet He calls, “Seek Me and live.” God’s manifold grace at the Cross, was far greater than our manifold transgressions. Our mighty sins are no match for His mighty love and power to redeem. What a wonderful Savior He is!
The empty tomb of Christ is warning not to be ignored. The Lamb will return as the Lion to defend His territory and His people. His roar will reverberate “to the ends of the earth” (Jeremiah 25:30,31). His children shall tremble from all directions and come home (Hosea 11:10,11). Heaven and earth will shake, and the Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel” (Joel 3:16). Anticipate Him!
(Devotional by Lisa Cataford)