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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

The Blessings Of God

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

There is a modern day misunderstanding of the goodness of God. He is often presented as one that chases after us, determined to shower us in blessings in spite of our sinful ways. This ideology has led many to see no need to grow in holiness or character as we have been commanded to… the result? A whole generation of lukewarm Christians that are not offended by sin, or shocked by immorality. Their response is a passive, “We are all sinners and God loves us anyways…”

This goes against the word of God. He implores us to turn from our sin, as the wages (consequences) of sin is death. If not physical death right away (because of the mercy of The Lord, we are not consumed; Lamentations 3:22), spiritual death comes. The hunger for Truth dies, and the addiction to sin sets in deep. Complacency resides where conviction should live and life becomes nothing more than seeking the next thrill, with no concern for eternity.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). There are conditions to the blessings of God… a heart of humility, a spirit of prayer and contrition, then God will hear and bless.

We look at a world ripped apart by violence and hate and wonder where God is. God isn’t the One who departed! We shouldn’t be surprised to see what a world looks like that has removed the blessings of God. People, countries, and governments have chosen self over God, and by doing so have removed the umbrella of His blessing that once guarded our nations.

God has standards that can’t be manipulated. He is God, we are not. He made us, He makes the rules, and we are to obey His word with great reverence. To dumb God down to the level of a desperate ex-boyfriend is blasphemous. He doesn’t force His blessing on anyone, nor does He chase the rebel against His will. But He DOES seek out the lost sheep, that is alone and frightened. The difference? The sheep is looking for and wanting a Savior.

He is God Almighty, who rules and reigns in righteousness. Humble yourself before Him. Acknowledge He is Lord over all, and ask for His mercy and grace to rest upon your family as you seek His face in humble obedience. His promise is true… He will hear you, and help you, and go before you, making your crooked paths straight. Just as there are consequences to sin, there are blessings in obedience. May we honor Him.

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