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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Strengthen What Remains

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


What feels like it’s dying in your life, in your heart, or in your mind? This is a simple one sentence question that usually elicits a whole chapter response. The saints are weary! Their endurance, their commitment, their joy, their strength, their peace, are all running on fumes. God knows this. He gave a message to the Church of Sardis regarding this very thing…


“Wake up, and strengthen (and reaffirm) what little remains (of your faithful commitment to Me), which is about to die; for I have not found any of your deeds completed in the sight of My God or meeting His requirements.” (Revelation 3:2 Amplified)


It’s a humbling, yet empowering, thing to get to the end of ourselves. It causes us to reevaluate where we’re spending our time and energy. If it’s not of eternal value, we need to let it go. “Whatsoever is of the Lord, IT shall be forever” (Ecclesiastes 3:14). What is the IT? Making sure our loved ones are on the Ark of Salvation; ensuring we’re investing in the sacred relationship of our marriages, and our God-given role as parent, grandparent, and friendship. Let us be busy building one another up in the things of God, and setting aside our own stubborn wills to be a functional attribute to our local church. This is strengthening what little remains.


A cracked or broken pot (vessel) may feel unusable, and more than willing, even eager, to quit, but God calls us to be filled with His strength and power, for “Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). The most powerful, and effective among us are those that rely heavily on God. Their prayers move mountains, their words of wisdom and encouragement build up the body, and they are constantly pointing everyone to Christ - the Source of all that we so desperately need.


Praying fervently, dear ones, that we will all be a part of this camp that strengthens what little remains. Without this group, Satan will continue to steal, kill and destroy. Let us be found faithful, for there is still so much work to be done.

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