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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Still On The Throne

Devotional by Chery Hall-Laos

“In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of His robe filled the temple.” (Isaiah 6:1)

King Uzziah had reigned for 52 years, of which prosperity, well-being, and peace had brought a sense of security to the people. But war clouds were now forming on the north horizon, and Uzziah’s young son Jotham (25 years old), now sat upon the throne, unprepared for the turbulent days ahead. The people stressed! Where is our strong leadership? Will war destroy us all?

Oh, how quickly a country can go from feeling safe and secure, to feeling vulnerable and afraid! During this time frame, God raised up Isaiah, to be a prophet to his people. He did what we all should do in anxious times, he sought the Lord in thoughtful prayer and God gave him a vision.

This vision was of the Lord, high and exalted, seated on the throne. Notice that it wasn’t Uzziah on the throne (like the good old days), but the Lord. The earthly king was in a grave, his days of reigning over… but the Lord was STILL on the throne. What anxious thoughts had tormented him - “What shall become of my people?” But God showed him a great truth - the Lord is reigning supreme over all worldly leaders, good or bad, and that IN HIM is our security to be found and our anxieties settled.

This experience changed the direction of Isaiah’s life. Once, he was filled with the anxieties over his country’s dire political situation, and the next, he was filled with confidence - God was on the throne! All other leaders are subject to Him. In reverence, he offered himself to the Lord, as a spokesperson delivering the Truth of God… “Here I am, send me…” and he proceeded in humble service to the Lord of lords and King of kings.

Friends, we can feel grief at the wasting away of our once great countries, once ruled by respectful, conscientious leaders, but now carelessly throwing our history away as if it was never valued. It’s like watching a slow death… heart breaking… BUT, God is our Father, our Lord, and our eternal King, and like Isaiah, we must be willing to boldly speak His Truth in these evil days. May we look unto Him, and Him alone, for our peace, our confidence, and our joy. He holds our future in His loving hands.

Praise God that He is Lord over all!

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