In San Francisco in June of 1919, a 100-car train chugged into town. Out of the cars came wagon upon wagon. Horses and elephants were hitched to the wagons and strong men began to erect a massive 130,000 square foot canvas tent called “Big Top.” Over 1000 other workers helped. There were another 30 tents after this one.
The local newspaper recorded the arrival of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus, noting the immense cost, preparation, and energy, to produce what was hailed as “The Greatest Show On Earth.” The excitement was palpable. When a young boy asked one of the workers, “Sir, what are you going to do with this big tent?” The worker replied, “Sonny, we’re going to fill it up!”
Jesus took His disciples to the top of a mountain and said, “Do not think that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). The word for “destroy” means to “loosen and take down a tent.”
This is a vital truth because many think the Old Testament is an old tent – useless and of no need anymore. But Jesus said otherwise. The huge “tent” of the Old Testament is the preparation for the Greatest Kingdom on earth to come. Jesus is going to “fill it up” to the smallest detail - The Lion will lay down with the lamb, Jesus will reign from Jerusalem, the nations will beat their swords into gardening tools and no longer train for war. People, the world over, will plan their holidays to hear Jesus teach and delight in His presence.
The 6000-years since Creation have all been “setting up” for unimaginable joys and glories to come. Don’t miss it for the world.