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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Self-Inflicted Famine

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Concerned physicians across the country are watching a common trend among the young adults; they are presenting with signs of malnutrition, but they are not in poverty. Their health is deteriorating while they are surrounded by plenty of good wholesome food. This malnutrition is self inflicted. They know what they should eat, but eat only what they want… coffee, crackers, and alcohol. Spiritually, we see the same self-inflicted famine occurring all around us.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.” But this Truth, although manifested in human flesh, compassionately healed the sick, and was a friend to sinners, still many willingly “suppress this Truth in their unrighteousness.” This is to their own detriment.

Jesus said that He was the Living Water, and whoever drank from His wells would never be thirsty again, but , “They have forsaken Me, the spring of Living Water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water” (Jeremiah 2:13). This is an act of rejection that only harms themselves, leaving them spiritually parched.

Jesus referred to His Word as the Bread of Life, but many who claim to know God never eat of it. Their appetites have become content with the food of the world, and their souls are sick with starvation.

Likewise, they refuse the peace offered by God and wonder why their hearts are so unsettled.

They claim to be a lonely generation, but deny the sweet fellowship of their Creator.

Good, healthy spiritual vision is a gift from God to us in His Word. He told us what is going to happen before it happens so we will be prepared, not scared. But unless the lens of God’s Word is applied, everything appears altered. Even desperately evil things aren’t even noticed, and they carry on towards eternity’s cliff oblivious to it all. “Where there is no vision, My people perish.”

May we continue to point the starving to God’s Word. Let us serve it up in bite size portions and pass it around, praying that it will whet their appetite. This self-inflicted famine will only be resolved with the pure Food of Heaven. Take the Word to them and pray that they will “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”

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