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Revived Babylon

Writer: Lisa CatafordLisa Cataford

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Although Babylon was a real city that developed shortly after the flood, in what is modern day Iraq, and endured with great influence in the world for nearly 2000 years, it is now reduced to rubble. Bible prophecy tells us of a spiritual Babylon that will revive in the last days. There is debate over if the literal city rebuilds, or if the spiritual Babylon is what is referred to. The latter seems to fit within the Scriptural context. Babylon represents everything that is in direct enmity to God, such as false religions, corrupt governments, and dishonest economics. “And on her (a woman representing Babylon) forehead was written a mysterious name, ‘Babylon, the great, mother of prostitutes, and of the abominations of the earth.’” (Revelation 17:5)

Let’s look at ancient Babylon and compare it to today to find out if there are any likenesses. Ancient Babylon, under the leadership of King Belshazzar, took the sacred temple cups and used them for his party members to get drunk with. He had no respect or concern for their intended purpose. “Nothing was held sacred,” just as was prophesied of these end days. (2 Timothy 3:2)

Ancient Babylon worshipped many gods, all of them gods of earthly origins. “They worshipped the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.” They worshipped the creation over the Creator. Our world is doing the same today, deifying the earth, and sacrificing on the altar, all that doesn’t promote the love of “mother” earth.

When Babylon got into grave danger, did they turn to God? No, “The King summoned the enchanters, astrologers, and diviners…" (Daniel 5:7) How like our world today! They would rather consult a bureaucrat than God, or a prognosticator than the Word of God.

The warnings from God to Babylon that judgment was coming, fell on deaf, apathetic ears. This same apathy has consumed our world today.

Human sacrifices were known as a common Babylonian practice. They had no value for human life. Our world has become so numb to the agenda around them that they agree to abortion up past birth, and to letting a small, unknowing child choose their gender. This lack of seeing each child as an image bearer of Christ has resulted in horrible treatment of the unborn as well as the born.

May we recognize in a new way that the revived Babylon is alive and here. Our whole world is under the influence of evil, but the angel is Revelation 18:4 urges everyone to “Stay away from her and do not partake in her sins!” A day is coming when all this pervasive evil will be dealt with. Don’t lose heart, dear ones, True Justice is coming:

Babylon will fall by the hand of God.




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