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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford


Devotional by Lisa Cataford


“I Jesus have sent My messenger to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16)


The Book of Revelation was written to the Churches to show them “things which must shortly come to pass.” How wonderful that God “does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). He wants us to know what’s coming so that we can tell others, serve with purpose, and live prepared.


As the Root of David, Jesus is the promised Lion of Judah, who not only defeated death, but will overthrow and crush the kingdom of antichrist. As the Offspring of David, He is the promised King of kings, reigning from Jerusalem, to whom every knee will bow in allegiance.


It is commonly known that “Bright and Morning Star” is the astronomical term for Venus when it shines in early mornings, announcing Day is almost here. Jesus’ first appearing, to die for our sins and rise again, is our assurance that His return will come – in power and great glory - bringing the promised Day of Peace we all long for.


Jesus reminds the Churches that their view of the Great Tribulation is from the balcony of Heaven. Revelation 2-3 addresses the growing attack on His people today. Revelation 4-5 shows the Church called upward, and in Heaven with Jesus. All the thrones of Church leaders are filled, and the rewards ceremony has happened - for the elders are crowned – then casting them again at Jesus’ feet. Then, we are called to “Come and see” as Jesus opens the Scroll of Judgment.


Time is short. May love for others make us bold in sharing the Gospel of Christ. The return of Christ IS near.

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