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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Revealing Hearts

“This Child is appointed for the fall or rising again of many… that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (Luke 2:34,35).

Jesus is a revealer of hearts all over the world. God doesn’t do break-and-enters into people’s hearts – turning them good or evil – as pawns in a chess game against their will. That would be against His righteous nature. God tests and reveals hearts by exposing people to His righteousness, goodness, and truth through His Son. This either draws hearts to Him or repels them. The same sunshine that turns marshmallow to stone, melts butter. The “sunshine” doesn’t change, it just reveals the true nature of the matter it shines on.

God displayed this truth in Pharaoh. He blessed the people of Israel abundantly under the reign of Joseph while in Egypt. But the new Pharaoh who arose was grieved at their prosperity, strength, and numbers. Joseph had spoken publicly of a coming Messiah who would rule the world in righteousness as Egyptian hieroglyphics attest. Pharaoh’s heart rejected the Truth and turned to tyranny. But his tyranny only made a very comfortable people willing to leave Egypt. The time for the Kingdom of Israel had come.

This is the same truth in our day. God’s goodness through Christ has been on display for 2000 years, changing hearts, freeing nations, proving His power. But He is rejected by ruling “despisers” like Pharaoh. His truth reveals hearts that love darkness rather than light, who are willfully blind to the blessings and freedoms offered by His Cross. Now they want “Christianity” subjugated and overthrown. But it only makes us ready to leave this world, and ready for God’s next plans. The Church shall arise to glory, and all Israel shall be saved.

It's time for the Kingdom of God.

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