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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford


Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

The powers that be keep using certain phrases to push their globalist agenda. We are told that we need to “reimagine a new world” where borders look different, policing looks different, education looks different, and shared prosperity (poverty) looks different. It’s all a word play to make the unpalatable sound appealing. Jesus said, “See to it that you are not deceived.” (Matthew 24:4)

John Lennon’s song, “Imagine” has become the mantra of this present movement, even played at political events… “Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky, imagine all the people living for today...”

But there is a Heaven above us, and a Hell below us. This denial is leading most to live for the moment... “Let us eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die” - only to meet eternity completely unprepared. (1 Corinthians 15:32)

Lennon’s song continues… “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too, imagine all the people living life in peace...”

This big push for no borders isn’t just some left-wing policy, but an antichrist move. He will be a one world leader for 7 years, with a one world currency, and will boast of a peace, but it is a false 3-and-a-half-year peace, ending in world war. The call for no religion, will be easy to do once the Christians are removed in the rapture. What remains is a one world religion rooted in evil. It’s forming before our eyes. (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13)

The song goes on to call us to “imagine no possessions... a brotherhood of man, sharing all the world... and the world will be as one.” This is the same call by Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, who stated that by 2030 we’ll all “own nothing and be happy.” This “utopia” he speaks of is a lie from the devil. Scripture tells us clearly that during the antichrist’s reign, a fourth of the world dies with famine, pestilence, and plague (Revelation 6:8). The world will not be sharing a utopian paradise, it will be starving and sick, while those in power have “no shortage of oil and wine” (Revelation 6:6). You can see it coming together now.

Friends, we need to pray fervently because this young generation is eating this up! Even children from Christian homes. We’re seeing the poisonous fruit of churches that stopped teaching Bible prophecy for fear of offending someone. The youth of today have no idea what the Bible says is coming.

What I’d love to imagine, is a world where the Christians impacted their culture for Christ, not the culture impacting the church. Imagine if we prayed as though we really believed our prayers moved not only mountains, but world leaders, and the hearts of lost friends and family members. Imagine if the church faithfully taught that sin really does brings death, and that we know The Remedy to this real pandemic of sin.

Imagine if all the Believers loved the lost the way Christ did. Imagine if our immortality in Christ filled us with great courage like the early disciples. How would our lives be different? Imagine if we weren’t ashamed to speak openly of Heaven and how it could be their eternal Home too? Imagine if we really believed that “Christ in us” would change our toxic world with the sweetness of His presence. Imagine if we lived our lives as though we weren’t staying forever, but only passing through.

Just imagine...

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