A 1750 slave trader from England was a wealthy man. His heart had grown cold to the inhumane treatment of his fellow human beings. It was “just a business transaction,” he would tell himself. But deep in his heart, he was disgusted at his line of work. His lack of human empathy made him question his own soul… he knew if there was a hell, he belonged there.
After a storm nearly took his life at sea, he told God that he wanted a new life, a faith founded in Christ alone, and he would leave this lucrative, but reprehensible career choice. He was true to his word… instead of selling slaves, he now bought them with ONE purpose in mind, to set them free!
“God sent Jesus to redeem (buy back or give freedom) to us who were under the law (sentenced to death), that we might receive adoption (into His own family) as sons (those that receive the inheritance). Now you are no longer a slave, but God’s own child” (Galatians 4;5,7).
Are we aware that we have been bought out of the slavery of sin and set free in the power of His grace to live lives that announce to the whole world, that, “When the Son sets you free, you are free indeed?” We are no longer slaves to sin, but children of God with a purpose that reaches into eternity. The entanglements that once held us down and brought anxiety are nothing compared to the freedom we have in Christ. We are free!
“My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My God my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood, His mercy reigns
Unending love,
Amazing grace.”
(Song: Amazing Grace, Chris Tomlin)