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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Reaping The Whirlwind

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


The Children of Israel saw that God had saved them from the hand of their Egyptian enemies. They watched as “the water covered their adversaries; not one survived” (Psalm 106:11).  But they made a huge mistake…  “they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold. In the desert they gave in to their cravings and in the wilderness they put God to the test” (vs 14).


“So He gave them their request but sent leanness into their souls” (vs 15). The newer translations actually translate this verse more exact to the original…  “So He gave them what they asked for but sent a wasting disease among them.” This truth is evident all around us. People demand their own way; they even vote against the principles of God, and God gives them what they demanded - A world where life is no longer sacred; infants can be murdered under the protection of the law; where marriage has no sanctity, and the family unit is replaced by the “family” of their online followers, like-minded friends, or political affiliation. Mass destruction follows and they wonder why…


The praised “love of self” has resulted in a narcissism unlike any other time in history, and selfishness rules the day leaving a wake of destruction in its path. But the people demanded their own way… and God gave it to them.


How desperately foolish to think that man can usurp the authority and wisdom of God and not reap destruction. “For they have sown the wind and now reap the whirlwind” (Hosea 8:7). We must be prepared for difficult days ahead as God is doing exactly what He said He would do… “He’s giving them over to the sinful desires of their hearts...” (Romans 1:24). This is a terrifying place for the majority to be; removed from the umbrella of God’s righteous protection.


May we pray for hearts to be turned from selfishness to a true surrender to God’s will. As long as they continue to exalt themselves above God, their souls will waste away, and the fruit of their choices will poison them. They have chosen a road that leads to the land that boasts independence from God - Hell. Beware! It’s a one-way road. Pray that people will turn to Him! There is no other safety outside of Him.

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