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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Preparing For What?

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Everyone is in a state of preparation. The entrepreneur is preparing his bank account and his portfolio; the online influencer is preparing a polished image to gain a fan base. But there’s a much bigger preparation happening all around us…

The demonic realm is preparing a young generation for the rule of the antichrist. His training is all day, everyday, from childhood to adults. His reprogramming agenda is bold, unapologetic and shocking, and he’s making traction.

The righteous in Christ are preparing their children to face spiritual warfare. Many attend churches where the pastors eyes are wide open to the evil of our day. The teaching brought to the people is to “armor up!” and draw near to God, for the days are evil.

The Lord is also preparing-preparing a people that are refined in the fires, ready to stand boldly for truth. He is sending us out “like sheep among the wolves,” but we are not unprepared. We have His Spirit to guide us, His Word to encourage us, and His watchful Eye to protect us.

May we whole heartedly recognize that we “were made for such a time as this.”

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