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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford



“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child… and fell down and worshiped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented to Him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:11


How intently these Magi must they have fixed their eyes on Scripture while watching the skies for Christ’s appearing. Their excited anticipation must have delighted the heart of God.  


The Magi knew Jesus was the King of Heaven, so they gathered the purest gold. They knew that frankincense, used in the holy anointing oil, spoke of the healing perfections of His character so they gathered frankincense. Myrrh speaks of suffering that brings life. They knew Christ would die to bring us everlasting life, so they gifted Him with myrrh. But before they presented these treasures, they knelt before Him in loving allegiance and gave themselves.   


Here we have a most beautiful picture of true worship – a worship that is based, not on an emotional high, but on an intelligent understanding of Who Jesus is, and the work of salvation He came to fulfill. Gold – for He is God in human form; Frankincense – for He is sinless, spotless, and perfect, or He couldn’t die for us. Myrrh – for He died that we might live. What more can we do but joyfully give our lives back to Him forever.


And as we prepare to meet the Lord at His return, may our excited anticipation be a joy to His heart. May we greet Him with a time-tested, fire-proof faith, that is “more precious than gold.” May He smell on us the “fragrance” of His Holy Spirit, and may our love show that we have shared in the fellowship of His sufferings.


One day all the earth shall worship Him for such great love! Hallelujah.

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