There is no discomfort of heart so awful as imagining that God is against us. Adam and Eve hid from God out of fear of their sin, only to find that He “seeks and saves that which is lost”. Their sin (and Satan’s lies) made them shun the One they could have run to, if only they had known Him better.
There is no comfort and joy so wonderful as to know that God is for us. When the Lord gathered Adam and Eve to Himself, He heard each side of their stories without a word, then dealt with the sin where it started – the Deceiver. Then He lovingly clothed their nakedness with lambs-wool and forgave their sins with the promise of eternal restoration through the sacrifice of Himself. He cleansed their consciences by His grace and soothed their heartaches with each other.
There is no peace like knowing sins forgiven! Adam and Eve walked out into a world of thistles, dust, sweat, storms of life, wiles of the devil, and disappointments of men, able to face anything under the glorious umbrella of His protective love… “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (Romans 5:1).
So can we.