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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Peace And War

Devotional by Cheryl Hall

How is it that such extreme positions have become partners? War mongers promise that if they get what they want they’ll reward others with peace, but that contrived, manipulated peace is far from true peace. Likewise, those that claim to be all about democracy, say they are peaceful (until they don’t get their way), then they destroy and burn down businesses and cities. Their hearts and minds aren’t peaceful at all; they are full of rage and violence, masquerading in a facade of peace.

This emotional manipulation is becoming our new normal, and will be utilized by the antichrist… “Through his policy he will cause deceit to prosper, and in his own mind he will make himself great. In a time of peace, he will destroy many, and he will even stand against the Prince of princes. Yet, he will be broken off, but not by human hands.” Daniel 8:25

It’s so important that we closely watch the prophetical time clock in order to know where we are on God’s timeline. All the “signs of the end” are converging at once. There are wars and rumors of wars; Violence is filling the earth; people are lovers of self rather than lovers of God. Israel is surrounded by enemies that are calling for her annihilation. The Ezekiel 38:1-6 “terror alliance” that includes Russia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Sudan, and Libya, made their alliance official this week. They will come against Israel to take her riches, including her oil and minerals.

Israel stated this week that by this fall they will “put a stop to Iran’s nuclear advancement.” We are headed for a biblical level war. The alliances are in position, and the spirit of antichrist is saturating the earth.

Be on the watch for a seven year “peace deal” to be made with Israel. This is the antichrist’s trademark sign that he is now in power. “He shall make a seven-year treaty with the Jewish people but halfway through he will break it…” Daniel 9:27. The world will applaud this “peace” deal, as though democracy is having its finest moment, but it is actually a “death pact.” “For when they shall say, ‘Peace and Safety’, then sudden destruction (war) will come upon them like a woman in labor with a child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Dear ones, Jesus is so near! May we all be bold for Eternity’s sake and let our friends and family know that the “end of all things is at hand.” But for those of us that “love His appearing” our best days, our brightest future, our greatest joys and our most memorable memories are ahead of us, not behind us. Keep looking up. Spiritual Summer is near.

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