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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Our Sword

Devotional by Lisa Cataford

Over 100 times in the New Testament we read phrases like… “It is written,” “The Scriptures say…” and, “That it might be fulfilled,” when referencing the Old Testament. That God’s Word is to be our sole Authority and Survival-Kit in this life of faith, God left no doubt.

Although John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet, in the transition to the completed New Testament, prophets were still needed for a time. God gave a simple rule… “Let the prophets speak, two or three by turn, and let the others judge” (1 Corinthians 14:29).

What were they to “judge” by? The Old Testament Scriptures. No prophecy could be of any private interpretation but had to fit like a puzzle-piece with already existing Scriptures (2 Peter 1:20).  Today, the Word of God is “perfectly complete” so that we can stand “perfect and complete” in all the will of God and be “perfectly outfitted” for this life.

Jesus showed the Authority of the Scriptures when he withstood Satan in the wilderness. Four times He said, “It is written…” and rebuked him.  Later, when the Pharisees tried to entrap Him with their legalism, He said, “Have you not read?” And when the Sadducees tried to outsmart Him with their liberalism, Jesus said, “You err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” To all the wokeness and false arguments thrown at Him, Jesus had the answers, until “no one was able to answer Him a word, neither dared anyone from that day forward to ask Him anymore questions” (Matthew 22:46). 

The is good news for us, because God has given us answers to everything we will face in this life. As our Creator and Savior, the Bible from start to finish, is about Jesus, for “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Jesus invites all people to “Search the Scriptures” because they testify of Him and His love for all mankind. The song we teach our children is really just as much for adults… “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” It is intended to comfort, outfit, nourish, and sustain us in God’s truth. But as we face the enemies of this life, the Bible is our Sword. God wants us to pick it up, plant our feet, and say with confidence…

“It is written…”

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