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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Our Equal God

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


“O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for You shall judge the people righteously (in equality) and govern the nations upon earth. Selah” (Psalm 67:4).


How wonderful to read of a coming day when Jesus rules on the earth in equality. When there is not one set of rules for those in power and another set for those who are hated.


It was a law of God that people should have a “perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shall you have” in their dealings with each other if they wanted His blessing (Deuteronomy 25:15). “A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight” (Proverbs 11:1).


Jesus proved this equality of His heart when He died for all people, not a select few… “As sin entered into the world, and death because of sin, and so death passed upon all mankind, because all have sinned… so the free gift of salvation came upon all mankind leading to justification of life” (Romans 5:12,18). 


Another proof of God’s equality is faith. Faith makes salvation available to all people, young, old, rich, poor, educated, or uneducated. If salvation was by works, the weak and incapable would be left out. If it was by money, the poor would be left out. Faith makes salvation both available and possible to everyone who will repent and believe, and the Bible is clear that God does not classify repentance and faith as “works” … “Now to him who does not work, but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness” (Romans 4:5).


The same God who so equally loves all, died for all, and invites all to salvation, is the only One worthy to govern our world. That wonderful day is not far off.


Anticipate it.

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