For an entire year the astronomy world has been watching a comet called ‘Leona,’ which was set to eclipse the giant star Betelgeuse on the morning of Dec 12. Judging by its size, the headlines of all astronomy sites said, “Betelgeuse to Briefly Disappear.” Cameras were ready for this exceedingly rare event… but it didn’t quite happen. Leona did pass directly in front of Betelgeuse, but barely dimmed it for three seconds. Scientists concluded, “Betelgeuse must be far greater than we know.”
Betelgeuse is a bright-orangish star in the constellation Orion, marking Orion’s right arm. God Himself stated that He made Orion as a message to world rulers… “You who turn justice to wormwood (poison), and abandon righteousness in the earth, seek Him that made the Seven Stars (Pleiades) and Orion” (Amos 5:7,8).
Orion is the Mighty Hunter of evil. He wields a club above his head with his right arm, and draped over his left arm is the hide of a slain lion. His left foot is in the act of crushing the enemy’s head. On his starry belt (called the Three Kings) hangs a mighty sword of justice with the emblem of a Lamb. Could all the world witness a sign in the heavens and miss the importance of the message from God? They did 2000 years ago.
Jesus came first as the Lamb of God, with a mission to “destroy him that had the power of death: the devil” (Hebrews 2:15). We aren’t left to guess what He’ll do at His return as our Mighty-Warrior (Psalm 45). He’ll finish the work His Cross began, mete out swift justice, and gather His waiting Bride. One day our world will conclude Jesus is far greater than they knew.
Perhaps He just gave them all a reminder.