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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

One Thing Is Needed

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

A medical missionary doctor was giving a lecture followed by answers and questions when the question was asked, “What is the benefit of spending our whole lives worrying about death and disease, only to die in the end? Maybe it would be better if we all just chose to live a life of ignorance and pursuing fun.” Some people chuckled at the honesty in his inquiry.

The wise doctor responded, “Many have chosen that very life, but as followers of Christ, we’re called to the fellowship of His suffering. We cry with those that cry, and our hearts should break for those that have suffered great loss. The greater danger is to learn to live cold and detached from the multiple ways death presents itself, for death comes to us many times throughout our lives before it stops our hearts. God calls us to share in the fellowship of His suffering, and that is never easy but He also brings restoration and renewal.”

“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16). It can be draining emotionally to allow ourselves to feel things deeply, and to not callous over our bruised hearts, but God calls us to a life of renewal in Him each day because this world and all its problems will cause us to waste away. We know it well… that emotional fatigue, an overly sensitive spirit, or even a numb sadness. We need renewing.

Dear Martha understood what it meant to work hard and be responsible for her guests, but her persistent work ethic was draining her of her inner strength. I get her! I really do! More than I should… But then there’s Mary, who saw her need for renewal as her greatest need. She, “Sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what He said” (Luke 10:39). I can imagine that her thirsty soul was drinking up every single word He said! It was words of Life and Love - everything her weary heart longed for.

Dear friends, may we have the wisdom to know when to put down our work and just sit at His feet. The work isn’t going away; it will wait. But as we grow in our spiritual walk we can sense when our “wasting away” has reached a point of necessary intervention, and those are the days we read His Word, pray, learn of Him, and worship Him. We need renewal day by day if we are to handle the challenges of this life well. He encourages us to choose the “one” thing that matters most… to be renewed afresh in Him daily.

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