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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

On The Outside Looking In

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

The neighbor had heard a loud commotion at the house next door. Perhaps they were having a party? But it sounded like shouting and fighting. Should he call the police he wondered? Instead, he thought he’d simply go peek through the windows to see what was going on first. He shouldn’t be noticed… it’s after dark. He noticed a big sign - “Family Reunion!” But as he got closer, he overheard two angry, drunken men screaming about politics.

Then he noticed a cluster of agitated women saying they couldn’t believe “she” was invited! The next window, back by the pool was where most of the noise was coming from. Two young men were physically fighting while others screamed support from the sidelines. Somewhere in this madness were innocent children… looking worried, wishing they could leave, but stuck. As the neighbor took it all in, he said a simple prayer, “Lord, You must feel like this looking down to earth. What a mess we’ve made of the family you’ve given us!” His heart broke a little as he walked home.

“Come out from among them (the world), and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17). There are several reasons God calls us to be separate (outside) the chaos that grips this world… first, to not indulge in the sin that consumes (and destroys) those apart from God. Second, to keep one’s heart focused on Christ and His ways, and thirdly, to have a clear, Godly perspective of the times and prophecy unfolding before us.

As children of God, we have a challenge. We need to live IN this world, but not be OF this world. We are not called to a life of ignorance, avoiding what’s really going on, but to view it from God’s perspective. When we learn how to do this, we become excellent at knowing how to pray for our lost world. We see deceptions before others do and can discern lies quickly because God has taught us what the father of lies sounds like.

Our peace is much easier to maintain when we learn to be separate. Our joy shouldn’t be easily snatched away if we stay outside the fray. And friends, as we watch the world devolve into madness, may we bring to them the love of Christ, that brings the truth of eternal life; and the kindness and gentleness of Christ, that speaks order to chaos. We have the opportunity to offer His peace: not the world’s fraudulent peace, but true peace that quiets the soul, because it is rooted in the One that is ALL truth.

Isn’t it a joy to be on the outside looking in? We are separated, set apart, to be His. Don’t let the world drag you into its chaos.

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