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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Not Forgotten

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos

Evil days have a way of causing Believers to question if God is really still on the Throne, or if He really is seeing all the evil that we see. Questions arise… Why is God allowing this? Why doesn’t God stop all this evil? When do we get to see victory? Then, like the disciples in the boat with Jesus in the storm, the accusations start… Doesn’t He care that we could die?

This thought process has been around since the beginning of time, and God gently answers all these questions. Before God brings judgment, He always gives patience - far more patience than we would ever give. He didn’t destroy the Amorites when the people thought He should have (although they were evil), “because the sin of the Amorites was not yet complete” (Genesis 15:16). He waited… He gave them time to repent, but “God’s heart will not always strive with man.” He has a cut-off point where He declares - “No more!” and judgment comes in its fullest.

“Where is our victory that we read about in God’s Word?” a woman recently asked. “My family has been ravaged by this evil culture. My daughter is so confused as to who she really is… our schools are poisoning the kids’ minds and are no longer an option for us. My prayers seem unheard.” This discouragement is felt by all God’s people right now, much like Noah and his family were grieved at their wicked day. Likewise, this time of testing for us MUST also precede our deliverance, also… “Jesus answered, see to it that no one deceives you. Many will come in My name claiming to be the Messiah and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and threats of wars. See to it that you are not alarmed for this MUST take place first, but the end is still to come.” (Matthew 24:4-6)

It’s so important that we “gather together as Believers, and encourage one another, even more so as we see the Day (of His return) approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). These days of testing require a coming together to remember Who we serve, and that victory DOES come. We must build-up each other, and encourage each other, to “not grow weary in well doing.” The prayers are heard, and God is working in ways we cannot see. Trust Him, and continue in fervent prayers, for it is promised to bring about great good.

Friends, we are not forgotten. God is still on the Throne, and He is just as eager to come for us, as we are eager for Him to shatter this evil with His glorious appearing.

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