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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Not Bound

“Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to the Gospel which I preach, and for which I suffer trouble, as a criminal, even unto chains; but the Word of God is not bound. Therefore, I endure all things…” (2 Timothy 2:9-10).

The first prophecy of a Virgin Birth through the royal line of Judah, was in Genesis. The devil tried to corrupt this royal line so Messiah could not come to earth. But while the Lord put Solomon on the throne, He was working behind the scenes through His brother Nathan, bringing the birth of Messiah to pass through Mary. It was an epic checkmate.

While a cruel imposter sat on the throne of David, the true King was born in the Tower of the Flock only five miles away – right under his nose, right on time, in the appointed place. Just to alert the imposter, the Lord sent an entourage of Magi from Persia to clue him in. You can almost see God smile.

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, many times wicked men tried to apprehend Him. But His “hour had not yet come.” After His resurrection and ascension, Herod’s son killed James, the brother of John, with the sword and imprisoned Peter, intending to kill him too. The Church prayed and only got bolder. God sent an angel to set Peter free with the command, “Go, stand and speak in the Temple, to the people, all the words of this Life” (Acts 5:20).

Threats and persecutions only caused the Believers to “scatter everywhere preaching the Word.” And when the chief persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, got saved, it wasn’t long before he too ended up in prison. But from prison he wrote letters to the churches which became the New Testament Scriptures. From prison he wrote, “The Lord stood with me.”

The aged Apostle John, sat in isolation in an island prison for criminals – just for preaching the Good News. Yet Jesus, in risen glory, visited him there and told him to write.

To follow fulfilled prophecy side by side with Church history, one triumphant truth shines on… “Jesus is risen. The Word of God is not bound.” His plans march on. His truth is everlasting. His power is undefeatable. His Spirit unstoppable. His people overcomers. His return will be right on time. And His reign is sure. Therefore, we endure…

We have so much to celebrate. Rejoice!

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