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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

No Love Like His

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


As Jesus approached the Cross, He said, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me” (John 12:31,32). It’s a staggering reality. The Cross is an invitation for all people to find forgiveness and eternal blessing. No one is to be left out. No one is too bad to be saved, nor is anyone so good they don’t need to be saved.


To walk through the Bible is to find God loves all. He found a weeping Egyptian servant-girl by a well and saved her. He saved a Syrian General from leprosy, welcomed a Jordanian widow into His royal family, and sent the message of salvation to an Ethiopian who was reading the Bible but couldn’t understand it.  From unknown slaves to famous kings and queens of other nations, men or women, our God has declared His love for all.


Jesus calls us as we are, but He is not going to leave us as we are. He intends to transform us – from living in darkness to walking in His light; from loving sin to loving righteousness; from being temporary creatures of earth to eternal citizens of Heaven. He’s going to lift us from the mirey pit, wash us up, cleanse us, and set our feet upon the Rock of His Word, and lead us in right paths.  


It’s not enough to know about God’s love toward us in Christ, any more than it’s enough to know you have a winning lottery ticket. Unless you cash it in, it avails you nothing. As Jesus knocks and asks admission – for He does not do break and enters – it is up to each one of us to open our hearts door through prayer, acknowledge our sins and desire for His help, and welcome Him in with open arms… “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the children of God, even to those who believe on His name” (John 1:12). 


How wonderful it is to tell people they are loved – and the Cross is the proof. May the Lord show you opportunities to share His love with someone today.

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