It is no secret that throughout the Old and New Testaments, God takes people to a place where they have no possible solution for success, unless they have a miracle. These “Red Sea moments” ensure that no human can glory or boast in the outcome: it all is the Lord’s.
Noah and his family survived - not by a boat, but by obedience to Almighty God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not saved by their own mighty courage, but by the miracle working power of God. Jonah, should’ve been digested by the third day being inside the great fish, but God miraculously surrounded him with a protective coating, ensuring his survival, so that he could preach the Gospel to the lost. Paul, was bitten by a poisonous snake, shipwrecked three times, and beaten with rods, yet God gave him the ability to endure, more than is humanly possible, so that the Gospel could continue to spread. God is no respecter of persons: what He has done for others, He will do for us.
Friends, we cringe as we watch the lawlessness, blatant lies and deceit engulf our world. There is no human solution good enough to turn the tide of this great evil. We must all fall on our knees before God and pray for His miraculous intervention. Our hearts are all crying out, “Come Lord Jesus,” and we should, but we must also pray fervently for His protection over our families in the meantime, especially our children, and grandchildren. The Evil one is after their innocence, and their identity.
We should look expectantly for His “parting of the waters,” during these dark times. He WILL “make a way of escape that we will be able to bear it.” It’s His promise to us. It’s actually a powerful thing to realize our only Real Solution we have - is Him! We are in a position to see a great, miraculous move of God. May we trust Him wholeheartedly; be fervent in prayer, and continue to be busy about His work as we follow His leading, and remember, dear ones… In Him, we are more than conquerors.