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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

No Excuses

A dangerous format is appearing in on-line “testimonials” of how people came to Christ. The usual framework is to show some childhood trauma and then go on to say that “to hide the pain” they drank, did drugs, entered a life of crime, behaved immorally just looking for love, and since they were hurt as children, they couldn’t help hurting others as adults. We’ve all heard, “Hurting people, hurt people,” like the wounded dog who snaps at someone trying to be kind. It all sounds so reasonable.

But the Bible doesn’t allow these excuses. The first sin happened in a perfect world by people given everything. The first murder happened with no corrupt outside influence. The first “blame-game” happened in the Garden of Eden. “The devil made me do it” excuses won’t work in God’s courtroom. The devil may tempt, friends may coerce, and our childhood traumas are very real, but sin lies at our doorstep when we assent to DO wrong – no matter the circumstances… “To the one who knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17).

The truth is all humanity has a sin-nature. Children don’t lie, steal, hit, and throw temper-tantrums because it all happened to them first. Little sin-natures are evident early on - a fact the world’s psychology refuses to acknowledge. The reasoning that, “If I had been treated better” or, “If that hadn’t happened to me, I would be making better choices today” are excuses which fail to take responsibility for one’s actions. In other words – it keeps people in a state of unrepentance before God – a vital prerequisite for salvation.

Salvation is all about becoming a new creation in Christ, which brings a new nature of righteousness. And God requires honesty before “granting” His Spirit to make it all possible… “If we confess OUR sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us OUR sins, and cleanse US from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Every true testimony has a personal acknowledgement of sin, an acceptance of forgiveness offered in Christ, a new (and growing) life of power over sin, and a new joy in walking with Jesus that never ends.

Hallelujah for the Cross!

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