The story of Jesus multiplying the five loaves of barley bread and two fish, to feed the roughly 15,000 people, is recorded in all four gospels. The only other story recorded in all four gospels is the resurrection of Christ. This reveals to us the magnitude of this miracle and the impact it had on all the disciples.
The lessons in this story for us are plentiful! God will gladly take the little we feel we have and use it for His purposes. “Little is much when God is in it!” We must not underestimate what God has given to us. Many people say that they would share the gospel more often if they were better at it… or share their craft with others if it was praiseworthy, or be less reserved and more loving to others, but other people do it better. The result, is we have a whole world full of Christian’s believing that their usefulness to God is entirely up to their own feeble abilities. Sadly, they’ve bought Satan’s lie, and slipped into a state of passive ineffectiveness.
If we would all learn to humbly bring to God what we have, He would shatter our pint-sized expectations of what we can accomplish WITH Him. But we have to offer it…
Your kindness and friendliness isn’t worthless. To somebody it’s the touch of God’s love they so desperately need. Give it to God and ask Him to use it for His glory. You’ll see, that it is more than enough.
Your heart for the lost is meant to be offered to God, to be joined in His Divine purposes for eternity’s gain. Offer it to Him. He will multiply it in ways you could only dream of. It will surpass anything you could do in your own power. With Him, it is more than enough.
The gifts God has given you were meant to be used together with Him - not in your own effort. Offer it back to Him and see what He does. You will find, it was always enough.
Friends, our lives were meant to be a living sacrifice, offered to God, in humility of heart. Our own seemingly insignificance is transformed into His meaningful, eternal purposes. And like the twelve full baskets that were left over, we too, will find that our cups will overflow with blessings. How blessed to know that He makes the impossible possible, and our insufficiency will be more than enough.