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Writer's picture: Lisa CatafordLisa Cataford


The world is clamoring for our loyalty! They don’t just want to know what we believe, but online personal profiles are kept of each of us and what we’ve shared, supported, laughed at, disliked, and were angered by. They take this information and send us personalized information to cater to those loyalties. It’s the ultimate psychological manipulation. They make the angry, angrier, the passionate, more passionate, and the one seeking to “find their people,” find others just like them… this is how division and tribalism develops. It’s not random, but cleverly orchestrated.


This world has no concept that we as God’s children are not for sale. We can’t be bought or coerced to be loyal to a temporary world system, or faulty political parties. Our loyalty is God’s alone. The Bible tells us that our loyalty reaches up to Heaven and God sees each one who is faithful to Him, and reciprocates…  “Human loyalty will reach up from the earth, and God’s righteousness will look down from Heaven” (Psalm 85:11).


How precious it is to live this life tethered to God alone. All that we need, He is, and so readily “supplies all our needs in Christ Jesus.” “The Lord your God is God, the FAITHFUL God who keeps COVENANT and STEADFAST LOVE with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations” (Deuteronomy 7:9).


Friends, may our hearts delight in the joy that it is to be HIS! We are in the world, but not of the world. The torrential waves - the highs and lows that they love to keep everyone on, isn’t ours to participate in, as He makes us to “lie down in green pastures;” to fully rest in Him and His goodness.


May we keep our hearts loyal to the One who is altogether worthy.

(Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos)




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