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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Light of Hope


For ages shone the Menorah’s flame,

In Israel till the Savior came,

But on that quiet, holy night,

It passed along its hope of Light,


To a waiting Star who drew it high,

And filled with light the Eastern sky.

Then with his work and message done,

The baton of hope he passed to One,


Which drew a gasp from Heaven’s throng,

And hushed the sweetest hopeful songs,

For a Rugged Cross on a hill arose,

And took the Light and held it close ...


Then suddenly, a flash of Light!

A brilliant, glorious, burst of white!

And hope that cannot be destroyed,

Sprang up and filled the earth with joy!


Now human hearts the world around,

Eternal flames of hope have found,

And perhaps this year the heavens shall bring,

The Light of the World - our Risen King.



Poem: Lisa C. Cataford

Painting: Cheryl Hall

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