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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

Lessons Of The Cross

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection all happened so fast! On Friday and Saturday, we quote, “Sunday is coming!” And it did! He rose victorious over sin and death. But next came Monday…what do we do with Monday?


What have the last three days taught us? The lessons are plentiful! First and foremost, is that God does exactly as He says He’s going to do. Period. The prophetical promises of God will never be stopped by liars, criminals and corrupt leaders. His Word is forever true. This truth is such a comfort to us as we look into the future unsure of what may unfold. One thing we can rely on is God’s promise to “never leave us or forsake us.” His Word is trustworthy.


Jesus’ death and resurrection teaches us that God only lets evil go so far before He steps in and “makes a way of escape that we may be able to bear it.” There was NO way He was going to let Satan have His own creation as his slaves to sin. He redeemed us to Himself. The words of Genesis 3:15 ring true-Jesus “crushed the serpents head” (a fatal blow) when He died to redeem us and gave us the power to become the children of God. Evil has no hold on us!


As Jesus cried out “It is finished!” (then gave up His Spirit), He didn’t say “He” was finished, but “it” was finished; the complete and perfect payment for our sins. In fact, a promise He made to Peter continues to this day - That He will “build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In many ways, His work was just getting started. We are part of this mission.


Easter is a message of complete victory, and this is at the heart of each of our testimonies. Through our Salvation in Christ, “We have been raised to new life in Him” (Romans 6:4). We are infinitely loved and our Savior told us He’s coming again. We KNOW His promises are as certain as His resurrection. He’s coming to take us Home!


The Cross has changed everything!

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