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Leave It With God

Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos


Disappointments are part of this life, but spiritual disappointments deeply bruise the soul. Jeremiah was a devoted Believer. God had made him a prophet during a very difficult time, and rebellion ruled the hearts of his people. Deceit filled their lives and idolatry their hearts. Repeatedly, God would tell Jeremiah to give them a warning - “Repent of your sin or God will discipline you,” but they refused. Jeremiah was mistreated and weary. His tears flowed for his lost generation, but in spite of that, God told him to continue to give the warnings, “even though they will not listen.” Through a broken heart, Jeremiah obeyed.


We live in similar times; even the church is affected. They want entertainment over truth and many preachers have opted to “tickle the ears” of their congregants, rather than speak from God’s Word. Scripture says that greater judgment will fall on them. We must love enough to speak the Truth, and then leave the results to Him. Jeremiah did not pander to their addiction to sin, he called it out… “You go from one sin to another, everyone has become a deceiver and a slanderer, to the point that they can’t even trust their own clan. No one speaks the truth. They have taught their tongues to lie. They weary themselves with sinning… in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge the Lord.” Jeremiah laments the lateness of their hour - “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” No wonder he wept! (Jeremiah 8 & 9)


Friends, we see our world spinning out of control, drunk on lies, deceit, and rebellion. It breaks our hearts to see the open refusal to acknowledge God. The hour is late and many are entering eternity without God. How do we awaken them to their need? Or alert them that the wages of their sin is death? We learn from Jeremiah’s example to continue to share, to not be silenced, and to be steadfast in the face of rejection. We must not cower in fear; their eternity is at stake.


When they stand before the throne of God, may it be said that we told them the truth about God and His love for them. And if they should be fortunate enough to live to see the tribulation, may that be what finally awakens them to their need of a Savior. Let’s purpose to be obedient to God first and foremost, and leave the rest with Him.

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