We live in the day and age of influencers. At every turn, somebody is trying to influence us to get healthier, cook tastier meals, design our homes with a modern twist, and garden like a pilgrim. But, there’s a dark side… a huge push to have you think like the world, dress like the unsaved, promote yourself, be offended at those that speak truth… and the worst part, it’s highly effective. The continual push to have people “follow” them is working. These influencers have become their guides, pastors, and conscience. Where is the church?
“Whoever walks with the wise will become wise. But the companion of fools will suffer harm” (Proverbs 13:20). “Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals”(1 Corinthians 15:33).
If God is to have the greatest influence in our lives we must spend more time with Him than the voices of our day. It takes great courage to stand strong without faltering to the standards of our world, and few can. The verses above clearly show that their godless influence is stronger than the influence of the young Believer.
But thankfully, the Bible has gifted us many examples of young people that were grounded in the Truth of God that stood against giants (literally), without wavering. A young Esther, fearlessly defended the need to save an entire nation. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were prepared to die to defend their belief that they only bow to One God. What courage!
Who are we allowing to influence us? Jesus said, “Follow Me!” It doesn’t mean once a week, but every moment of our lives. Our minds need to filter everything through Him. Our desires must be put through the Sifter of what is good for us, spiritually. If it feeds our love of self or love of this world, it’s not of God. If it helps us grow in holiness and maturity and the love of God, it’s of Him.
Be discerning. The days are deceptive and the influencers are many. Follow Him!
(Devotional by Cheryl Hall-Laos)