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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

In The Storm

Devotional by Lisa Cataford

Jesus sent His disciples across the lake while He prayed on a mountain top. “And when the evening had come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and He was alone on the land. And HE SAW THEM toiling in their rowing; for the wind was contrary: and about the fourth watch of the night (3 am) He came to them, walking upon the sea … and THEY ALL SAW HIM and were troubled. But immediately He spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I, don’t be afraid!” – (Mark 6:46-50)

It’s often the storms of life that teach us the most about Jesus – and ourselves. Jesus could have prevented the storm completely, but they would never have seen Him walking on the water.  Peter would never have experienced the power of faith to walk on the water too, nor would they have experienced that powerful moment of instant deliverance and peace when Jesus stepped in the boat – just like when He steps into our lives.  

The disciples were doing what Jesus had asked when the storm hit. They were in His will, not outside of it. But in the storm they realized afresh that He was God, watching, caring, and able to save in ways they never imagined. 

Jonah, on the other hand, faced a storm outside God’s will. He was running from God. But the severity of the storm caused him to pray and get right with the Lord. The Lord used Jonah later to save an entire city, just as He used the disciples to share His love with the world.

Jesus’ name is Savior. He’s a Rescuer. He came to save us from our sins so that He could grant us eternal life and graft us to His righteous power for the rest of this life. You can be sure He sees you in your storm, and that He loves, cares, and is able to save in ways never imagined. He will never turn away those who call upon His name. Then He uses the ones He rescues to become rescuers for others.


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