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  • Writer's pictureLisa Cataford

In The Morning

Devotional by Lisa Cataford


Three times the Lord said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh.” Fresh from talking with the Lord, Moses faced the enemy in the strength of the Lord. It became a pattern until that morning that God overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea.


Later, as the people walked in freedom, they prayed to the Lord for food. The Lord promised that “in the morning they would see the glory of the Lord,” and He provided Bread from Heaven, Manna on the ground, which they “gathered every morning” for the next 40 years.


Years later, a young man named David, whom God had picked for the future king, slept in a cave in exile, wondering what his next steps were. He prayed… “Hear the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for to You I will pray. My voice shall You hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer to You, and will look up (in anticipation of the answer)” (Psalm 5:2,3)


There’s something fresh and new about mornings. A clean page, a fresh start, where we find again and again that the mercies of God are “new every morning.” In these quiet moments, we can open the Bible and find the strength to face our enemies, find sweet nourishment in the true Bread from Heaven, and find guidance and wisdom from Above for each day.


It was early in the morning when Jesus arose from the grave, and we learned our sins were forgiven and forever gone. What a sunrise that must have been! It was morning when Jesus stood on the shore, inviting the disciples to come eat hot bread, and fish upon the fire, with Him.  What a breakfast that must have been! And it is “morning” we’re waiting for, when Jesus returns and takes us Home. What a Day that will be!


Don’t miss your mornings with Jesus for anything.

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